Access control entry is corrupt
Access control entry is corrupt

Ensure that both the IP and RS485 addresses are correct.Ensure that there is no IP address conflict.

access control entry is corrupt

  • Ensure that the SQL connectivity is set for both TCP and ODBC connectivity.
  • Ensure that the Configurator software is properly installed.
  • Ensure that your TCP/IP-v4 WINS has Netbios over TCP/IP enabled.
  • Ensure that no other OEM VNC-type application is installed on your laptop or installed on the TX3-TOUCH causing ODBC disruption.
  • Ensure that the LAN has enough bandwidth to accommodate the newly installed panel.
  • ( If not that use USB to firmware update your panel).
  • Ensure that you have 3.1.22 and above for IP connectivity assurance.
  • Ensure that the panel is not connected through a VPN (there will be latency communication issues disallowing you to see the panel).
  • Ensure that your IPv4 configurations (on your laptop) sees the LAN- verify that you can ping the router.
  • Ensure that 14000-14003 ports are not taken/used for that LAN.
  • Ensure that your configured laptop is on the same LAN as the device you are trying to connect too.
  • Ensure that your router’s firewall allows network connections of new peripheral devices.
  • Ensure that your router has DHCP assigned IP range of reserve IP addresses.
  • Ensure that the IP-Module is properly plugged into the TX3-CX-2-A’s board.
  • Verify the pinouts to the patch network cable to be one-to-one Type A or Type B network pin-out assignment (use a cable tester to determine its proper one-to-one communication).
  • Also verify both the green and orange light, on the IP module is randomly flashing (as if communicating with a router).

    access control entry is corrupt

    Verify that the panel is properly connected to the router (via any switches).If you are having difficulty connecting to your TX3-CX series access control panel go through the steps below: Verify that the IP network has no through-put issues.Verify that End-Of-the-Line ( EOL) connectors are connected at either end to reduce line noise when transmitting and.Verify that the RS485 lines are not too long (maximum of 1.2KM (for two nodes)- too Ensure that there are no stubs feeding from the Bus line.Ensure that all power grounds for these aggregate Hubs are tied to one common neutral point.Verify that all communication hubs (for large aggregate communication equipment points) are mutually tied together with the appropriate AWG cable (14-12 AWG/Stranded) to a common building bond point as per NEC part 68 requirements.All communication grounding cable shields are one-point tied to a quiet ground point.Verify that there are no in ground- loops (cable shield should be tied to one end only and that no shields are connected to the middle RS485 connector.Verify that all units have proper Beldon RS485 cabling.

    access control entry is corrupt

    Verify that all units have proper RS485 connections and that no stubs are used on the RS485 lines preventing thorough data updates.

    Access control entry is corrupt